Organize Your Cartridges Today!
You are currently browsing the My Cricut Cartridges archives for 2011
Hello world!
This is just the beginning of what will be a one-stop shop (free shop!) for all Cricut fans to get the latest news, share hints and tips amongst Cricutfanatics, and to show off your designs to the Cricut community.
What’s to come at MyCricutCartridges:
- Several bloggers will be added to the site to write about their recent projects
- Forum will be added so users everywhere can ask questions and share the knowledge they have gained from the many hours spent (and sometimes money wasted) to ensure others don’t make the same mistakes
- Mobile Apps for Android (Version 1.0 in market) and iPhone (Version 1.0 coming soon)
If you are interested in blogging for the fun of it and to share your scrapbooking thoughts to the world, contact me and we will work something out.